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Pre-school and Kindergarten

Exploring concepts and skills through music and movement.
Pre-school and Kindergarten Classes 

Our programme is age appropriate and progressive and focusses on the development of the whole child thus linking closely  to the key aspect of the  foundation stage curriculum (language and communication, number, creative development, social emotional development and physical development).

Because children learn best through active involvement we explore concepts and skills through music and movement.

Music is ‘Brain Food!’

In a nut shell, music is brain food because it stimulates every area of child development. It encourages intellectual, social, emotional, physical and language development.

It helps the body and mind to work together. It strengthens memory, encourages self expression and builds confidence.

Our aim through these sessions is to encourage self-expression, creativity,  build self esteem, confidence and independence in a fun and active way.

We also focus on large muscle development, listening skills and language development. Activities will have multiple learning and developmental benefits and will contribute hugely to children’s overall well being.


We offer a range of options for pre-schools, nurseries and children centres .  We can visit your setting for a one off session, a half term course or weekly sessions.

Staff Training

We can also provide staff training sessions to teach staff the benefits of music and movement across the curriculum and how to incorporate music, movement and sensory props into their lessons.

For more information on our nursery and pre-school and children centre programme contact us using the booking options below.

Class Schedules & Booking : 

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